Coyote's Canyon Journal

"Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth." -- Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road

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Location: Canyon State of Mind, United States

I enjoy writing. I don't actually make a living with my English degree, so I keep a blog for fun. The blog is first draft, and as a former editor I apologize for any weird errors that may be present. I do not apologize for writing about things that matter to me. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I shouldn't have looked... - USA falls to Canada

I was pulling for the men's curling team to make it a bit further than they did. Now they will play Great Britain for the Bronze medal on Friday. *sigh*

Curling has never appealed to me before now. I wonder why, all of a sudden, I am fascinated with the brooms, the rocks, the sliding, the giant targets...and how the men's team did so much better than anyone guessed they would. It was a real Cinderella story; they could still medal, and I hope they do. But Great Britain will be tough to beat. All of their curlers are from Scotland, where the game was invented. Perhaps that's why I'm so enamored with the game--it's calling to my VERY Scottish heritage.

I'm still rooting for the USA team, Scottish-ness notwithstanding. GO guys!


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