Polygamy is not even "weirdly" normal
HBO series on Utah polygamy makes it seem 'weirdly normal' - Salt Lake Tribune
Polygamy should not be glamorized; HBO is doing so simply by airing a show like this. I wonder if this new series will show how wives are "promised" away at age 11 to their creepy neighbor or uncle. Probably not, since it portrays all adults agreeing to this lifestyle:
Vicky Prunty of Tapestry Against Polygamy said she reviewed an early script and fears the show will "lead people into thinking there are greener pastures on the other side of monogamy. From what we've seen, it doesn't deal with abuse issues."
The creator of the show, Mark V. Olsen, said:
"We decry the same abuses that they decry but we do see a slightly larger canvas of polygamy than I sense that they see."
Too bad he doesn't understand that most people who decry abuses from polygamy came from polygamous families and have lived through the horrors themselves. How he can say that he sees a "slightly larger canvas of polygamy," I'll never know. What a creep.
Plural marriage was sanctioned and revealed to LDS believers by Joseph Smith. In that sense, polygamists are TRUE Mormons, with the mainstream church being false. That's what the fundamentalist Mormons think, anyway. Since people that don't live in Utah don't know very much about polygamy, I recommend reading Jon Krakauer's excellent book, "Under the Banner of Heaven." It explains a lot, and examines the fundamentalist Mormon doctrines that support polygamy. The book also covers some basic Mormon church history.
As a libertarian, I don't care what consenting adults do. They aren't hurting me. But when children are involved, I draw the line.
Polygamy should not be glamorized; HBO is doing so simply by airing a show like this. I wonder if this new series will show how wives are "promised" away at age 11 to their creepy neighbor or uncle. Probably not, since it portrays all adults agreeing to this lifestyle:
Vicky Prunty of Tapestry Against Polygamy said she reviewed an early script and fears the show will "lead people into thinking there are greener pastures on the other side of monogamy. From what we've seen, it doesn't deal with abuse issues."
The creator of the show, Mark V. Olsen, said:
"We decry the same abuses that they decry but we do see a slightly larger canvas of polygamy than I sense that they see."
Too bad he doesn't understand that most people who decry abuses from polygamy came from polygamous families and have lived through the horrors themselves. How he can say that he sees a "slightly larger canvas of polygamy," I'll never know. What a creep.
Plural marriage was sanctioned and revealed to LDS believers by Joseph Smith. In that sense, polygamists are TRUE Mormons, with the mainstream church being false. That's what the fundamentalist Mormons think, anyway. Since people that don't live in Utah don't know very much about polygamy, I recommend reading Jon Krakauer's excellent book, "Under the Banner of Heaven." It explains a lot, and examines the fundamentalist Mormon doctrines that support polygamy. The book also covers some basic Mormon church history.
As a libertarian, I don't care what consenting adults do. They aren't hurting me. But when children are involved, I draw the line.
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