The house I love. is the picture of that spooky house that I love.
We are starting to get this city sort of figured out. Things aren't quite back to normal yet. For instance, restaurants close early. Really early. So you need to go get your coffee, etc., before 2 or 3 in the afternoon because the little local shops don't stay open any later. There is still a curfew in effect; you must be home or going home by 2 a.m. I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news, but there are NO Starbuck's Coffees open anywere in the city. They are are still closed. All the little local places are open and doing fine, it seems, but with very limited staff. We heard a radio interview with Emeril yesterday; he is just opening his restaurants as of last week. He is only at 50% staff at one, and 30% staff at another. Another restaurant will not be open for a few weeks. So he is only open for dinner, and not even seven days a week.
Well, I have to go. I am at a little local coffee shop that closes at 3 p.m., and it's about that time. Gotta run--
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