Coyote's Canyon Journal

"Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth." -- Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road

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Location: Canyon State of Mind, United States

I enjoy writing. I don't actually make a living with my English degree, so I keep a blog for fun. The blog is first draft, and as a former editor I apologize for any weird errors that may be present. I do not apologize for writing about things that matter to me. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

On the road. AGAIN.

Well, we got a new laptop. It came via UPS yesterday and I have been busy putting all of our camera software on it so we can take and send pictures from the road. I'm actually typing on the new toy right now, testing out the wireless internet card and how it connects to Wi-Fi and all that crap. I haven't owned a cell phone since 2000 (there is no cell service here, so there is no point. I like not being connected and it is truly a blessing, I think) so using a wireless computer is a whole new ballgame, which I have figured out in fairly short order. My mom called and wanted us to borrow a cell phone for the trip; she was worried we might need it and anything could happen, and you never know...blah blah. My mother is so sweet, really. She also begged us to stock up on bottled water in Texas before heading into Louisiana. Mom. *sigh*

It's hard to believe we'll be in New Orleans on Monday. The big adventure begins tomorrow, so I will not be posting for some time. When we road trip, we usually drive as much as we can. You may rest assured that I will try and use the free Wi-Fi the city has recently installed (note to Tucker Carlson: I will send you an email and let you know if it is a huge gimmick, as you claimed, or if it is really helping businesses and people). I have explained to my mother and my good friends that I will be keeping a road diary on the blog and instead of sending mass emails, I will send one email with the blog address and then they can check in on me at their leisure. This makes me somewhat nervous because I've never told anyone about the blog and I'm not sure if my writing will change now that I feel I'm under some amount of scrutiny. Probably not. I told them it is an anonymous blog, but I will probably have to put my name on it sooner than later so mom doesn't get confused. Plus, Joe Gandelman is a big proponent of blogging with your real name. Why, I'm not sure. It sort of scares me.

Typing on the new computer is sort of strange...the old laptop was a perfect fit for my wrists and fingertips and was quite conducive to writing. This new baby seems to be a bit of a reach for me, and I've had to retype and backspace continuously up to this point. I hope it grows on me. The really cool thing about the computer is that we can listen to media on it; I know, I know...I've been living in the stone age (you don't know the half of it). But this makes me happy as I can download and listen to my regular podcasts on the road as well.

I was going to blog about this web site I found called can send Santa an email with your Christmas wish list! Unfortunately, Santa wants to know a few things about you in return, like your age, sex, and what kind of toys you like (perfect for reselling information to's a very cynical thought, I know). In any case, I'm not so jaded that I'm not in the Christmas spirit. I will send Santa a letter, but I will do it the old-fashioned, snail-mail way. I watched a great Christmas movie for grown ups called "Love, actually" last week and it put me in the spirit (it also made me laugh and made me cry, even...amazing). These are the things that are special about Christmas, the spiritual things...not shopping and presents. Well, I must get up and do some packing now that I've fully tested the new laptop's internet capabilities.

It's good-bye until some later date, hopefully within the week.


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