Coyote's Canyon Journal

"Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth." -- Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road

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Location: Canyon State of Mind, United States

I enjoy writing. I don't actually make a living with my English degree, so I keep a blog for fun. The blog is first draft, and as a former editor I apologize for any weird errors that may be present. I do not apologize for writing about things that matter to me. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Our Camera

Damn it.

Our camera has gone missing, and it may not ever show up. We were helping my husband's sister and her husband clean their boat, and we were taking pictures and having fun in a Tom Sawyer "hey-kids-clean-my-boat-it-is-fun" kind of way.

Soon it turned to dusk, and we left to go back to our home. We left the camera somewhere at their house, either outside or inside. We have no idea. We loved that little Canon. It was the best! It has pictures of our new home, of fun at the lake with the speed boat, of dogs and cats and happy tree-covered bluffs of Kentucky. But where it is, I have no idea. We looked for it at length yesterday, going over the outdoor area where we were, looking in the garage, and looking again and again. Still, no camera.

And I'm sad and pissed off all at the same time.



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