Coyote's Canyon Journal

"Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth." -- Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road

My Photo
Location: Canyon State of Mind, United States

I enjoy writing. I don't actually make a living with my English degree, so I keep a blog for fun. The blog is first draft, and as a former editor I apologize for any weird errors that may be present. I do not apologize for writing about things that matter to me. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Economic Crisis--how it all went down

The Big Takeover : Rolling Stone

Please, read this article. Print it out and read it. If you have any lingering questions about how or why the financial bailout approved by our congress occurred, read it again.

Remember how we were all mad, and we let congress know about it, and congress voted against the first bail out?

Well, I'M STILL MAD. After reading this, I'm madder than I was before. Jesus Christ, those people are stealing our money with the help of our trusted elected officials.

STOP VOTING FOR THESE PEOPLE!!! Go Green, go Libertarian, do whatever you have to do, go independent, but stop pretending that the Blue Team or the Red Team is better than the other--because they both suck and they both just stole your and your kids' futures.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

More about Mexico.

Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE: 100,000 foot soldiers in Mexican cartels

This is a good article breaking down the whole cartel crisis in Mexico. It really isn't good there. I understand why people want to come and live in the U.S. very clearly--they live with the threat of a fire-fight on the street every day. Mexicans are living with a daily threat of real terrorism:

A State Department travel advisory last month seemed timed to caution U.S. students contemplating spring breaks south of the border.

"Some recent Mexican army and police confrontations with drug cartels have resembled small-unit combat, with cartels employing automatic weapons and grenades," the advisory said.