The Canyon Journal
One thing I am not, and I feel the need to clarify this in no uncertain terms, is an anarchist. I may be fed up with politics-as-usual, the economy, and any kind of manipulation of government by big business, but I in no way condone or support the complete breakdown of government.
The Constitution of the United States is perhaps the best set of rules for people living together that has ever been written in the history of people living together. When followed it works beautifully; the laws allow people to freely, and as equally as possible, pursue life, liberty and happiness without the government interfering in those pursuits. It was written to keep government from controlling YOU, not to give you any "rights." Those rights, as stated in the document, are inalienable to you as a living human being.
I am a minarchist, a small government kind of person. I cannot buy the concept of a totally free (anarchist) society on many levels because I have seen (with my own eyes from living in a small town) that those with might or power will do whatever they can do to take something from you if they want it, either by force or by manipulation, when there is no law, or law enforcement, to control them.
The rule of law (a government) tempers the actions of those brutish people making things more equal for all. I do believe that 90% of all humans are essentially good, and I'm not totally down on humans and American society. But I'm not so starry-eyed to not think that, if given half a chance, someone stronger or richer than I am would take what I had if they wanted it (whatever IT might be).
Right now, I do believe that the Republicans and Democrats are not really that different. I look at them like the Red Team and the Blue Team. They put on a good fight, but at the end of the day their only job is to keep getting re-elected to office, and to keep their big donors (big businesses and wealthy people) happy by creating legislation to make them richer and to keep upstart companies from cutting into their good thing.
This is not good for America. This is the stuff that grows government, and both parties are so deeply corrupted by lobby money via these corporations that I cannot honestly come out for either, and to my credit, I have never voted for a mainstream candidate for president. I am proud to have voted for Michael Badnarick in 2004.
People might think I dislike the new president. I don't really. He's a likable guy. He speaks eloquently. I HOPE he's just learning the ropes of the office right now and that, at a later time, will start the mother of all house-cleanings that needs to happen in Washington. I suspect, though, that his ties to Goldman Sachs and to his Harvard clan will be too strong to do the right thing and shrink the government that George Bush grew to an unimaginable size. In fact, it seems that this is never going to occur with the purchase of General Motors and the bailout of banks and other companies.
Since I do not suffer from cognitive dissonance, this realization that America is no longer what it was makes me incredibly sad. I feel like blogging is pointless, except to help me sort my own thoughts out, and I am not really sure any effort, from the anarchist New Hampshire Free State Project to the mild-mannered, mainstream Campaign for Liberty, will do any good either way.
What's a thinking person to do? Well, the first thing I am going to do is STOP voting Republican or Democrat in any election, ever again. They're both corrupt and just divide Americans against each other instead of doing good for all. They are both owned by big business, the religious right, the special interest groups, extremist factions of the ACLU, or whatever. Neither represent me, or anyone I know for that matter, honestly.
I invite other opinions as to what activities I can participate in to let the DC set know that they have utterly failed to defend the Constitution as they swore. I would guess losing an election is as strong a message as you could send, but I'm not so sure other people are as aware or as informed as I am.
Too bad. You get the government you deserve, and here we are. We've allowed it. I say no more. No more.
In the mean time, I'll just keep writing because I love it--even though politicians just love bloggers because they aren't actually out on the streets stirring up protests or causing them election pain and loss.