So I've been reading...
The next book I read was Mitch Albom's "The Five People You Meet in Heaven." If I say here that I pretty much bawled my way through the second half, would I be saying too much? Probably. But then again, who the hell is reading this, anyway?
I just finished Caleb Carr's "The Alienist." Wow. That was an excellent book. And just on the heels of the national news story regarding the "BTK Killer." It's hard to believe that finding a serial killer would have been so darn hard to do, until I heard that the BTK Killer had been wanted for over twenty or thirty years.
I am now considering picking up "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond. We bought it last summer, but I haven't felt like reading it for several reasons, which is funny, because I prefer non-fiction over fiction. And lord knows, I am no fiction writer. I've tried, but it comes out so, so bad. Apparently, Dr. Thompson had this writing problem, too. After living where I live, I have come to believe that truth is so much more interesting than fiction, and a heck of a lot weirder. I'll relate a story, which is true:
An old cowboy that lives here was out rounding up cattle down on the desert one fall when he came across one of several line shacks that had been built for cowboys during roundup. He thought he heard something coming from the shack, so he decided to go over and have a look. When he went inside, there was a little boy, a toddler, and a baby girl in the shack. There were no signs of the parents anywhere. When the cowboy went over to check on the baby, whoever had left her there had thoughtfully super-glued her head to the bed's headboard, so she wouldn't roll off the bed. The cowboy took the kids back into town with him and ended up adopting them. To this day, the girl has a bald spot on her head from when she was finally separated from the headboard.
This is just one of many weird and true stories I've heard and have experienced since moving here. Maybe I'll write more about this place once we move away. There is plenty of fear and loathing in this town, and I would hate to be the object of that anymore than I already am.