Coyote's Canyon Journal

"Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth." -- Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road

My Photo
Location: Canyon State of Mind, United States

I enjoy writing. I don't actually make a living with my English degree, so I keep a blog for fun. The blog is first draft, and as a former editor I apologize for any weird errors that may be present. I do not apologize for writing about things that matter to me. Thanks for reading.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Back from Vegas

The wedding chapel where I got married is about to be bulldozed. Things just don't age anymore in Las Vegas. It's like the logic in "Logan's Run;" if it's over 30, it has to be destroyed. So there sits the little chapel, all closed up, landscaping dead, a tall fence around it all, and I wonder... is this some dire omen?

All in all, it was a good two-day visit. Hubby and I met my parents there, since mom just hates coming to visit me here, where I actually live. Oddly enough, so does my mother-in-law. They both hate this town (not as much as I do at times, I'm sure). I also had the pleasure of seeing two aunts from California that I don't see enough, as well as a cousin that I had not seen since the 80's.

The last night we were there, my husband and I stayed up late, went to the Riviera and won some, ran back to the Westward Ho and got two of the biggest shots of Patron I have ever seen, and then proceeded to go across the Strip to Wynn, the new mega-resort and casino that just opened. It was 2:30 a.m. and we skipped into the main foyer to maintenance guys watering we wound our way back to the casino, it was pretty empty, as it was Monday night/Tuesday morning, and we found some nickle slots and played a little. Suddenly my husband gets up and wants to go to the high-limit slots. So we go, where we play a $50 a hand poker machine and walk out winners. It was 3:30 a.m. at this point; we had to get up and meet my parents for coffee in five hours. We meant to get a final photo of our wedding chapel, but somehow that idea got lost in the tequila haze and winning adrenalin rush.

That morning we said our good-byes and went immediatly to Trader Joe's. Sweet Jesus I love that store! I don't care where we move, but I have lived rough enough for the last few years that one of my demands is a Trader Joe's within an hour of my house. Santa Fe is looking better and better, since they just built a TJ's.

So I've been back from Vegas since late Tuesday night (we saw a BEAR in the road just outside of town--a BEAR! No one sees bears here; it's rare), but I have had some trouble getting back into the swing of things as far as writing or caring about writing, at all. It was a good break from getting too focused on the internet. And it was hot. Dear GOD was it hot. Anyway...that's about it. I just had to write something to get the brain cells and the fingers back into the groove.

Friday, July 08, 2005

This guy hates blogs for all the right reasons.

If these words were people, I would embrace their genocide.

Dear God...I laughed my ASS off reading this; I hate blogs, too, and just for these reasons. I'm so proud that I don't have a blogroll from HELL, and that I have no advertising. UGH. If anyone reads my online journal, then god bless you. I am, in fact, a journalism drop-out. My English degree with an emphasis in journalism has come in really handy for owning my own business. If I care to actually write anything that gets a second or third draft, it is actually half-decent, and I can be and have been published. But you folks reading this don't get that pleasure. My blog is strictly first-draft bull shit, which can be factually incorrect and typo-ridden, and I am damn proud of it. Now go read that link and die laughing, already.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Happy July 4th!

I began this blog with a list of things to do, as I recall, that would induce happiness or general well-being. Perhaps I'll make another list right now in honor of the Fourth of July, since living in America is a really big reason to be happy:

* Buy a hummingbird feeder. If you don't live in an area where hummingbirds spend the summer, then at least visit one of these places during your vacation.

* If you like music, at all, buy a satellite radio. They are wonderful!

* Crack open a cheap beer after doing yard work. There is nothing like an ice cold Pabst Blue Ribbon on a hot summer's eve.

* I love looking up from working on something to find all of my pets congregating around me.

* I like to watch a show called "Medium." I was watching last week when a short commercial for Tucker Carlson's new MSNBC show came on; this commercial looked almost exactly like the Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" video, which I love. I laughed the entire time. I wish MSNBC would run this mini-movie-mercial more often. Tucker's new show is great; I love the back-to-back pairing with Keith Olbermann's "Countdown;" this could be the best two hours on cable news, period.

* I also like to watch a show called "House." I think I would actually go to a doctor that was as rude as this character is, because he's also very funny.

* I like that my husband bothers me in the middle of blogging to go the national treasury web site to find FAQs regarding $100 bills.

* Sometimes, a small town Fourth of July celebration beats any million-dollar fireworks freakout. Town picnics and parades, ice cream socials, talent shows...yes, America, these things still exist.

* I was cleaning the basment today and found a poster I have from the's REAL 70s, a picture of Uncle Sam pointing, with the words "Get Into AMERICA." It has the official bi-centennial seal. I love finding cool stuff when I'm cleaning.

* I have a bottle opener from Lucky Lager engraved with "It's lucky when you live in AMERICA." It ALWAYS makes me smile.

Happy 4th.