Grateful Dead T-Shirts
I think I had a Bill the Cat/Calvin & Hobbs t-shirt, for sure.
One of my dear, dear favorites was an orange, yellow, and red number with a "Where the Wild Things Are" tableau including a dancing bear among the beasts. *sigh* I loved that shirt.
I had another tie-dye that was just beautiful, but I don't know where that ever went. My younger sister may have stolen it.
My favorite Dead shirt, though, was a plain white tee with a black Eye of Ra. In the middle of the eye was the "steal your face" red and blue with the lightning bolt. That was it! That was THE coolest shirt, hands down. I have no idea where it went.
Those were the days...Dead shows. Man.
I was at a show at Laguna Seca Race Track in Monterey in about 85 or 86, I can't remember exactly. Anyway Los Lobos and David Lindley and El-Rayo X were also on the bill. It was an amazing three days, for sure. So my boyfriend and I were way way way out of it, sitting at the very very back, tip-top of the hill where the stage area was. We were just sitting and rapping, watching the show and mayhem below when an old guy on a dirt bike comes up right beside us. He's wearing a white button-down and khakis, and he has crazy salt-and-pepper hair. In about three seconds I knew exactly who it was, even though I was, uh....well, anyway, it was Bill Graham. The man. Himself.

I ended up getting what became one of my favorite fashion items at that show: A hat from Tibet. I loved this hat. I wore it ALL THE TIME, all through college. I found it at my mom's, moth-eaten and crumbling, a couple of years ago. It was so badly damaged I had to throw it away. It was a tragedy. *sigh*